Ventilation of Industrial and Business Location

We are now living in an era of advanced industry ( factory industry with machinery) with cities growing rapidly in size! In the city, at every turn, we are exposed to unfavorable conditions, such as dust from roads, car emissions, power plants, and odors from the production facilities! No less can be expected in industrial premises. There are usually harmful factors at work, such as excessive temperatures, emissions, and noise! Places, where people congregate, are no exception. In the course of human activity, moisture, carbon dioxide, and heat are released from the body!

If nothing is done about these processes, sooner or later they will affect the development and vital functions of the body not for the better!

HVAC All Seasons is professionally dedicated to VENTILATION and AIR CONDITIONING in Fremont County Alameda as well as the San Francisco Bay Area.  This area helps to deal with the negative factors mentioned above.

HVAC All Seasons provides services for:

  • ventilation and air conditioning system design;
  • equipment selection which takes into account the technical conditions and financial capacity of the customer;
  • equipment installation;
  • commissioning;
  • warranty and post-warranty system operation;
  • after-sales service.
Apply online at
or by phone: 1-510-3428096

Combining ventilation and air conditioning for your business in Fremont Ca.

 Air treatment systems are a must in residential and non-residential applications. They are responsible for creating a cozy indoor climate, humidifying, purifying the air, and effectively eliminating unpleasant odors. A list of standards is available to regulate the intensity of the air circulation processes. These are valid for different facilities. Ventilation and air conditioning in restaurants, bars, food courts, and other commercial facilities are usually implemented as a package. This is the optimal approach that gives the best results.

 Advantages of the integrated approach

 Almost always when ordering ventilation and air conditioning, clients want to save space. Allocating a minimum of space for communications and getting a functional system is possible. The simplest, surest way to do this is to combine the two types of equipment. This approach has its uses. If it is done properly, the system will come out functional, and versatile.

To begin with, it is necessary to determine which equipment will be connected to ventilation and which will not. Conventional equipment has to be abandoned, sub-ceiling, columns, and cassettes are also not suitable. Only ducted units and chillers with a compressor condensation unit (a cooling unit that is built into the ventilation system) can be used.

 Design methods

Ventilation and air conditioning systems can easily be combined into one, by implementing such schemes

Installation of a ducted model with the introduction of air inlets or installation of equipment in a supply line.

Installation of a chiller that works in conjunction with an AAC in a single line.

First type

 The ventilation and air conditioning system is designed as follows. The duct air conditioner operates on the principle of air recirculation. It takes in air masses from the room and gives them back to the same room. In this case, the basic (in terms of equipment) air intake system is located in the intake spigot. An exhaust line with an appropriate ventilation device can be installed separately. The air is first discharged into the air conditioning unit, after which it enters the room.

You will save space, and reduce the number of grilles, and ducting. The price will also be lower. The system itself is concealed behind a false ceiling. The supply air is cleaned and then cooled. Done - ventilation and air conditioning are operated separately.

 The method has disadvantages. Supply air volumes will comprise up to one-third of the total airflow. Installation is only possible behind a suspended ceiling. The air is heated and cooled to certain outdoor values (it is -5 degrees for non-inverters and -25 degrees for inverters, which are more expensive). Still, the pluses of the projects are much greater. You save space, you create an all-weather equipment system, and you save a fifth of the price. The option would be a good choice wherever a significant airflow is needed. For a tenfold exchange, other options are worth considering.

 Second type

It is mentioned above under 2. These modern ventilation and air conditioning systems involve designing a standard supply air unit and incorporating a cooling unit in the supply line. As a result, this reduces the volume of the room and the costs of cooling and heating the room (the cooling unit can be run to warm up). The number of air distribution units is reduced. However, this system also has its disadvantages, as it is not always feasible.

Air volumes are often insufficient to cool large rooms adequately. Recirculation processes need to be repeated in the cooler, and the air masses simply do not flow into it anymore. An air conditioner runs the volume of air in the room up to 10 times per hour, while the ventilation unit does not run more than 4 times. The condensing unit is no longer able to cope with the current loads. The solution is suitable for compact rooms up to 200 square meters in size (otherwise the efficiency will drop).

 How can a recuperator be useful?

 The two schemes discussed above have their strengths and weaknesses. Ventilation and air conditioning using a recuperator are considered an improvement. The efficiency of heating and cooling in this case increases. The variant itself is referred to as the most economical of all possible. Costs of heating and cooling of rooms, halls, and workshops will be one-third (or even more) lower than when running a system without recuperation.

 Combining ventilation and air conditioning in one system will allow the customer to save space and money. But certain complexities need to be taken into account in such projects. 

Please request a quotation via the feedback form on the website
or by phone: 1-510-3428096

We will answer any questions you may have. 

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1225 Vienna Dr, Sunnyvale, CA 94089